Summer 2016 NORTHERN Idaho |
In the Summer of 2016, I took my drones on an expedition through Montana (see Parts 1 and 2), then went northward to near the Canadian border and back down the Idaho/Washington State border to Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene.Both cities are sited on the shores of large lakes, easily accessible and with many fine launch points for the drones. Each has an impressive bridge, and I mounted a GoPro to show the ride across each.
I was again reminded of the vast water resources in the northern states compared to those where I live in the desert southwest.
I was especially pleased at the end of the video to find a legal spot to put the drone up near the golf course with its famous 'Floating Hole' showing the golfers at play in beautiful sunshine.
Carl Roessler
P.O. Box 33668
Las Vegas, NV 89133
voice: 702.562.0226
fax: 702.562.0227
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