1 Bonneville Salt Flats
Summer 2021When I was planning a drone trip to Wyoming in June of 2021, I added a day to visit the famous salt flats where land speed records and other events are held due to the flatness of the baked salt surface: Bonneville Salt Flats | Visit Utah
The Bonneville Salt Flats have a long and colorful history: Bonneville Speed Week 2021 in Utah - Dates (rove.me) and Bonneville Salt Flats speed records: Beginner's guide (redbull.com)
Cal Rayborn Sets Land Speed Record at Bonneville | Harley-Davidson® Insurance
The flats are open to the public when no speed-racing events are taking place, so one can have drone flights over solitary vehicles and their drivers in immense white solitude.
You will notice in two of the videos a straight strip of roadway ending in a circular pad. This is for organizing speed trials, bringing trucks out onto the flats without doing damage to the salt surface.
Aerial Photography Using Drones
Carl Roessler
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