Fantasy Canyon
Uintah County, Utah
Summer 2012
Fantasy Canyon is an experience, a novelty with some interesting photographic challenges. If it resembles even superficially any other site in the southwest, it would be Goblin Valley, located about 100 miles South.
This is a rather remote and difficult place to reach. It is not close to any population center, is surrounded by miles of open desert dotted with automated oil wells, has almost no roads that aren’t hard-packed dirt, and impresses visitors with a constant stream of big oil-transport vehicles moving quickly.
For a discussion of the geology of Fantasy Canyon, let me provide a link to the Utah Geologic Survey report on the area.
For the photographer, some of the many formations seem to be little gargoyles with expressive faces. Perhaps that is like seeing animals in cloud formations, but it is fun to try to coax the portraits out of the stone.
Carl Roessler
P.O. Box 33668
Las Vegas, NV 89133
voice: 702.562.0226
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