Malpelo Island, Colombia
Cocos Island, Costa Rica
Inzan Tiger has ceased operations in Malpelo. For the education of our visitors
about the diving and marine life at this wonderful place, I decided to leave
this material on our site. With luck, we'll have another boat serving Malpelo
before long.
We enjoyed ten-day cruises to remote Malpelo Island for eight wonderful
years. Like Cocos Island, this rocky outpost in the eastern Pacific is a place where
pelagic marine life congregates from the surrounding open ocean. Divers who cruised
there during those golden seasons got photos of hammerheads and the giant Tiger ragged-toothed
At various times, other vessels have tried to set up operations, but the government
of Colombia has been extremelty restrictive about any access. They also change
etheir minds frequetly after they have issued permits.
Still, this is a gem of a place for serious divers, and the fact that it has
no current regular opertor is no reason not to show it to you.
Divers swim toward one of Malpelo's rocky outposts.
- Giant Mantas, whale sharks, dollphins, sailfish, marlin, and schools of hammerhead
sharks are fairly regular visitors to both islands.
- Both Cocos and Malpelo have sites where hundreds of hammerheads swim all around
you. Malpelo's hammerheads tend to be shallower.
- Cocos is famous for many reasons, but mostly because it always delivers big animals.
Malpelo is newly famous as "The new Cocos for the elite".
- For a report on a Malpelo cruise, see our "latest
from famous divers" section.
- For a report on a Cocos cruise please access that "latest
from famous divers" section.
- Advanced divers can visit the secret seamount and if conditions are favorable
may have the opportunity to see the recently-discovered Tiger
ragged-toothed shark.
- Carl's latest report from Malpelo. Tiger ragged-toothed shark photo by Tony Wu. Click on shark to go
to the latest report's page from Malpelo!!!
All material in this Web Site is Copyright © Carl Roessler
2016 - All rights reserved.
Maintenance by Patricia
of Visual Ad Worx